The Junction

A person sitting on a bench
Interest in survival skills surge
University of Melbourne, Coco Veldkamp
Some are motivated by fear that the world is going to hell in a handbasket. Some just want to know themselves away from the safety net of technology and household comfort. Whatever the reason, a growing number of Australians are asking themselves: Are you ready for anything?
A person playing a game of frisbee in a field
Umpire abuse a threat to AFL’s future
University of Melbourne, Sam Irvine
Umpire abuse is often seen as part of the colour and movement of AFL football. But crowd vitriol – along with rule changes and scarce funding – is driving umpire shortages across the country.
A group of people waiting at a train station
The uphill battle for Australian university basketball
La Trobe University, Jackson MacDonald
University sport in Australia will always be in the shadow of its American counterpart.
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Legacy media's audience wanes, as war rages on
La Trobe University, Ruby Oosthuizen
More people are moving away from consuming stories from traditional news sources about the conflict - turning instead turning to social media accounts of independent and citizen journalists.
A book on a table
Triple J no longer kingmaker in streaming era
La Trobe University, Errol Hayden
If young people have moved on from radio, can Australian youth broadcaster Triple J still make an impact?
A person is flying a kite
Citizen scientists help rescue bees from deadly pest
University of Melbourne, Ricky Sproule
For years, apiarists and farmers relying on bees for pollination lived in fear of the arrival of a dreaded parasite. Then in 2022, the alarm went up. One scientist says a brigade of concerned citizens, armed with balloons and nets, may be crucial to mapping a more resilient future for honeybees.
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A bowl of soup with meat and vegetables
June Podcast - No Plate Like Home
May 30, 2024

For many people, food and the simple act of cooking can provide solace and comfort, particularly for...

A close up of a tall building
May Podcast - Paying The Rental Price
April 30, 2024

It’s hard enough for anyone to find a home to rent in Australia. The difficulty factor is multiplied...

A sign on a pole
April Podcast out now
April 1, 2024

The Long Read series of our podcast, Making a Difference, continues with a reckoning from Australia's...

A close up of a sign
Missing girls
University of Newcastle March 7, 2024

Amanda Robinson and Robyn Hickie disappeared in 1979, and Gordana Kotevski disappeared in 1994. Police...

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