Rise Up Australia Party candidate: no comment

No image of the RUAP candidate was available.
Christine Kay is the Rise Up Australia Party (RUAP) candidate in the Macnamara electorate.
The Junction has tried to get in touch with Mrs Kay for weeks, but was only allowed an interview via email.
Asked about how she got into politics and why she decided to join the Rise Up Australia Party, the candidate said she became involved because her husband’s British citizenship disallowed him candidacy with the RUAP.
“We very much want our present Liberal PM Scott Morrison to lead Australia after the national election as well us believing in what Rise Up Australia stands for,” she added.
On multiculturalism being a main issue on the Rise Up Australia agenda Mrs Kay said that she “can only relate what our progressive party policy states.”
No further comments were given.
Multiculturalism is a key policy issue for the RUAP. According to the party website multiculturalism does not work and Australia should aim for a multi-ethnic society with one definitive culture.
When asked to define Australian culture Mrs Kay referred to party policies.
The RUAP website says Australia’s Judeo-Christian heritage is an important part of Australian culture.
Mrs Kay was asked whether Australia should take a more secular approach to policy given the decline in those who identify with a Christian faith and the rise in those who don’t follow a faith system.
She did not comment.
With Climate Change being a key issue this election Mrs Kay was asked where she stood on the issue.
No further comment was made other than referring to RUAP policies.
RUAP policy regarding Climate Change focuses on reducing the costs of power bills. The party is open to using any energy source as long as it does not result it Australians paying more for power.
According to Mrs Kay’s Australian Electoral Commission qualification checklist, her father was an orphan who was sent to Australia during the 1920s and her mother came from Switzerland after the Second World War.
Mrs Kay does not know if her mother held Swiss citizenship and she has not applied for Swiss citizenship.