No party politics, says Independent Tyndall
Mark Tyndall, Independent candidate for Lindsay
Lindsay’s Independent candidate Mark Tyndall says that the major political parties have a significant indifference for community affairs. “When you align yourself with the major parties you don’t have that freedom of expression,” the father of six who takes pride in his middle-class family and emphasises on the importance of helping the local working class, says in an interview with the Western Weekender newspaper.
Mr Tyndall has been a long-standing member of Penrith. His family has strong historical ties to the region. His grandparents lived and raised their family in Emu Plains.
Mr Tyndall endorses independence in politics. He says that many politicians have a disconnected from their communities because they tow the party line. “They’re more interested at the moment in running and advocating for their party than they are for the local people”.
The incoming government will need to prioritise health and education, he says.
“When I drive past the hospital, all I see is administration buildings. We need more beds in hospitals, we don’t need more desks and chairs for admin,” he said.
Mr Tyndall is studying for a Bachelor of Criminology at Western Sydney University. He has a Diploma of Business from TAFE NSW.
Mr Tyndall also has experience working with a number of government departments and agencies.
He is campaigning hard to drive home his message about the importance of being an individual who has been a part of the working class for whom the vote matters.
In the 2016 election the top preferred results were Labor and Liberal. With Labor scoring the highest of 45,633 votes (51.1%) and Liberal scoring 43,643 votes (48.9%).
Single Independent candidate in 2016 ranked 5th with 2,128 votes, gaining only 2.4% of the voters.
How much luck will Mark Tyndall have in 2019?