Next gen journos in search of ideas, action and change
In September, UTS journalism students were invited by the Judith Neilson Institute for Journalism and Ideas to produce a short documentary on the Antidote Festival, held at the Sydney Opera House.
The festival tackled some big questions – Who Gets to Speak, How to Cover Climate Change and of particular interest to journalism students, how to convince governments that see it otherwise, that journalism is not a crime.
So, Daniella Scotti, Rhiannon Soliman-Marron, Hannah Taylor and Georgio Platias, went along to document the big thinkers ‘thinking through” these questions.

UTS students Rhiannon Soliman-Marron, Daniella Scotti and Hannah Taylor prepare to document the Antidote Festival
Video shot, scripted, narrated and edited by students Rhiannon Soliman-Marron, Daniella Scotti, Hannah Taylor and Georgios Platias (pictured above).
*With thanks to the Judith Neilson Institute for Journalism & Ideas, the University of Technology Sydney and Sydney Opera House.