The Future of Community Television
Founded in 1994, Channel 31 is a lively community television station that oozes creativity and flair. Well-known celebrities – such as Hamish and Andy, Shona Devlin, Tommy Little and Dave Thornton – all began their careers on this free-to-air network. The channel has built a reputation for showcasing the work of people of all cultures and backgrounds. But recently, the government has been laying the groundwork to push the public service onto an online platform.
Now students, media professionals and teachers are taking a stand in support of this cultural gem that is community television.
About the Contributor

Swinburne University, Melbourne, Victoria
Swinburne has a three year major in Journalism or a four year major in the BA or Professional degree, as well as a graduate diploma and MA (Media and Communication) Swinburne publishes The Burne.