Democracy’s Watchdogs with Sally Neighbour


Distinguished Australian journalist Kerry O’Brien once described the ABC’s Four Corners as a television miracle. The reason was because the program, which was launched somewhat tentatively in August,1961 – five years after television was introduced in Australia – survived when countless other programs were killed off.

Writing in The stories that changed Australia: 50 years of Four Corners, O’Brien who had a couple of stints as a reporter for the program, noted that the program nurtured and showcased many of the finest journalists, editors, cinematographers and sound recordists Australia has produced and created the climate for the introduction later of programs such as 7.30, This Day Tonight, Lateline, Foreign Correspondent, Australian Story and others.

“What Four Corners has proved, in what can so often be a fickle and superficial medium, is that it is possible to pursue excellence and endure; fall at the hurdles from time to time, occasionally get weak at the knees and even stray off course, but endure. I don’t even want to try to imagine life without it,’’ he wrote.

I am thrilled that Sally Neighbour, who has been the executive producer of Four Corners for the past five years, agreed to be interviewed for Democracy’s Watchdogs.

You can watch the interview and check out Sally’s career timeline, awards, as well as a see a few suggestions for classroom discussion on Democracy’s Watchdogs.

I hope you enjoy Sally’s interview.

  • Bill Birnbauer,

Founder, Democracy’s Watchdogs