The Yarn Ep 4: Afghan staff at risk, agencies struggling

US soldiers stand guard along the perimeter at the international airport in Kabul, Afghanistan. Hundreds of Western nationals and Afghan workers have been flown to safety since the Taliban reasserted control over the country. Yet still unprotected, and in hiding, are untold numbers of Afghans who tried to build a fledgling democracy, many aid workers among them: AP Photo/Shekib Rahmani

The Yarn is a weekly podcast by the University of Melbourne that covers some of the best reporting by its students. This week, host Fia Walsh talks to reporter Jordyn Beazley about her story on the dilemmas confronting Afghan Aid workers as they grapple with an uncertain future and escalating humanitarian needs in Afghanistan.

Host: Fia Walsh

Guest and Producer: Jordyn Beazley

Read Jordyn’s story ‘Afghan staff in peril, aid agencies wrestle security versus mission’ here.

Find more episodes of The Yarn here.