Mandurah club returns fire as fan ban set to cost thousands

A local soccer team have appealed an “unfair” spectator ban issued after rival fans threw projectiles – claiming the penalty will cost the club $20,000.

Mandurah City Football Club lodged its appeal to Football West on Wednesday evening. In the appeal it stated that it was unclear how the club had breached the governing body’s code of conduct.

Mandurah City’s vice-club president Nigel Mann said the club had been given a three-game spectator ban after Football West determined the team had failed to control their spectators during a match against Rockingham City Football Club on May 6.

“The fine doesn’t really fit the crime, it’s very disproportionate,” Mr Mann said.

Live-streamed footage captured the moment a Rockingham supporter propelled a beer bottle at a Mandurah City player as the team left the field.

Tensions were high throughout the game with the match brought to a stand-still when flares were thrown onto the pitch by Rockingham supporters.

Mr Mann claims that the sanctions on Mandurah FC are not only detrimental to the club’s reputation but are also unfair to the majority of supporters who did the right thing and want to support their local team.

According to the rules, Football West is now obliged to provide evidence demonstrating how the Mandurah FC breached the code of conduct.

Mandurah FC say it had pleaded with Football West to help regulate the game because of concerns for players’ safety were raised and prior to its start.

“We asked to ensure that there was security there, that there was a fourth marshall to support the referees, we asked for clear communication between the referee and coaches so if there was trouble, the game could be stopped,” Mr Mann said.

“We had fears of players getting hurt or abused, which did happen,” Mr Mann said.

Rockingham City Football Club and Football West both refused to speak to The Quenda.

Following the incident, Premier Mark McGowan told reporters that he also condemned the behaviours of the spectators,

“Sometimes people have a few too many drinks and they get too emotional and it can have devastating consequences. I just urge everyone to behave appropriately,” Mr McGowan said.

Mandurah and Rockingham are due to face off again on July 22 for round 17 of the State League Competition, at Mandurah’s home ground.