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University student journalism from Australia, NZ and the Pacific.

The Junction

University student journalism from Australia, NZ and the Pacific.

The Junction

University student journalism from Australia, NZ and the Pacific.

The Junction

Liberal MP Tim Wilson (L) listens to the statements of ABC News Director Gaven Morris and Managing Director David Anderson (R).

The case for press freedom

UTS, Alexandra Menzies, Amaani Siddeek and Nicholas Rupolo
August 14, 2019
DISPOSABLE: Towards a safe injecting room

DISPOSABLE: Towards a safe injecting room

University of Melbourne, Else Kennedy, Claire Capel-Stanley, Yunfei Wang and Fangying Zhou.
August 9, 2019
DISPOSABLE: My life as a single-use container

DISPOSABLE: My life as a single-use container

University of Melbourne, Ashleigh Hastings, Yahan Tao, Wei Lu and Nazli Bahmani.
August 9, 2019
Aquarium owner Mark Joseph

Where lapu lapu are a lucrative catch

UTS, Hannah Taylor
June 24, 2019

Election day: view from Cooper

La Trobe University, Natasha Pietrobuono, Louis Ellis
May 18, 2019

Election day: view from La Trobe

La Trobe University, Matthew Ellis, Louis Phillips
May 18, 2019
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